Broadwater Road
Church Office 0208 772 4454
Vicar: Revd Angela Rayner 07385 181103
Heading 4
Craft ~Workshop. Weekly drop-in @ Holy Trinity Church (sister church) 74, Trinity Road SW17 7RH. An opportunity to develop a new craft, every Wednesday from 12.30 to 2.30pm. All welcome!
Community Choir @ St Augustine's starting September 7th, weekly event for 1 hour, 7-8pm. No experience necessary and no need to read music, but an opportunity to join in, build your confidence and skills, improve your mental wellbeing, and discover a supportive community.
5 min from Tooting Bec tube, buses 155,355 & 219.
Social Lunch, every second Thursday's monthly from 12 noon to 2pm.
An opportunity to meet other people, have friendly chat over lunch.
All welcome.
Monday - Wednesday 25th - 27th March
@ 7pm, Eucharist and shared suppers. All welcome.
Maundy Thursday 28th March 8pm onwards, Eucharist and Watch.
Good Friday 29th March @ 3pm, service & hot cross buns.
Saturday 30th March, Easter Vigil 8pm, Fire & Eucharist.
Easter Day, 31st March 11am, Eucharist & Easter egg hunt.
Worship Services
11am Sunday Parish Eucharist
Thursdays - 10am- 12noon Communion and Bible Studies
On the fourth Sunday of the month, and at our Thursday morning service,
prayers for healing and wholeness are offered .
Jesus went about preaching the good news and healing. He commanded his disciples to do the same and it is in obedience to his command that we offer this ministry.
On the fourth Sunday the congregation is invited to come forward to receive prayer for healing after the sermon. The church’s ministry of prayer and the laying on of hands is in addition to, not a substitute for the work of doctors and the health services. You do not need to be “ill” to receive prayer for healing; each one of us needs to grow in wholeness and holiness, and the laying on of hands with prayer can be God’s way to restore strength, peace and vitality into our lives.
Of course, there is no pressure to receive prayer for healing;. While we believe that receiving Holy Communion is physically, mentally and spiritually beneficial, laying on of hands with prayer is another scripturally attested means of receiving God’s grace.
We thank you Lord for your healed and healing church; set our minds at rest through trust in you; to serve you in the wholeness which Christ brings, until we share the fullness of his life in heaven. Amen.